Kimberly Rinker’s article about Liudmila Kondakova Art

Liudmila Kondakova painting

Liudmila Kondakova
City Iconographer Extraordinare
By Kimberly A. Rinker

Here is an article we published many years ago. We congratulate Liudmila on her success an an artist. She has become quite well known since those days.

We have searched around and found her art represented well  at Martin Lawrence Galleries

Art-One does a good job of presenting a gallery of Liudmila Kondakova



Thanks to Kimberly A. Rinker

….editor D M Jackson

20 years and Go To Vegas

20 years and Go To Vegas Poem by Amy Jackson

I was 19 years old…
I loved him…. no doubt.
But… I was 19 and stupid.
He loved me in spite of myself.
We lived.
Had kids…
Had bills…
Had memories…
And now? It has been 20 years.
20 years? Really?
Where did the time go?
To kids…
To bills…
To our memories.
Time to make some new ones.
Not kids…. memories!
Off to Vegas.
Yes…. Vegas!
A toast to the next 20.