Death Does Not Come Humble by Ward Kelley with song by Don Whitaker

Death Does Not Come Humble

Death does not come humble, it arises,
a lion, unsettles air, a condor,
it springs from the ocean, canonizes,
like a dolphin cutting the sea’s top door.

Mount the back of this graceful, forgiving beast,
for you are the greatest,
for you are the least.

Do not lay in fear, the Receptor, you can’t deny it,
of this last expression of the breathing.
Death does not come forward to humble you,
It arises, an animal, freeing.

Mount the back of this graceful, forgiving beast,
for you are the greatest,
for you are the least.

Guitar solo

Humble is not the stance for you to take,
in front of this animal of great hope,
only a lack of understanding makes
you hesitate, a need to interlope.

Mount the back of this graceful, forgiving beast,
for you are the greatest,
for you are the least.

Mount the back of this graceful, forgiving beast,
for you are the greatest,
for you are the least.

Artist’s note
George Inness (1825-1894), American landscape painter, was largely responsible for introducing the French Barbizon style in the United States. The victim of epilepsy, he was also given to eccentric behavior and possessed a mystical personality. His son reported his father died viewing a particularly exquisite sunset; though weakened from his final illness, Inness threw his hands in the air while exclaiming, “My God! Ah, how beautiful!” then fell to the ground, dead.

Don Whitaker
Ward Kelley

Janet Kuypers’ Poetry’s “Love Letter” show “Farewell Chicago” August 14th 2015

Janet KuypersPoetry’s “Love Letter” show “Farewell Chicago” August 14th 2015

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers (wrapped in VHS tape) in her 8/14/15 show “Farewell Chicago” in her final scheduled feature at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (while living in Chicago) in Chicago (Canon Power Shot), with her poems Chicago, Breaking Their Heart, change (2015 edit), Planting Palm Tree Seeds, Shared Air, Other Souls, and
ever leave me.

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers (wrapped in VHS tape) in her 8/14/15 show “Farewell Chicago” in her final scheduled feature at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (while living in Chicago) in Chicago (Canon fs200), with her poems Chicago, Breaking Their Heart, change (2015 edit), Planting Palm Tree Seeds, Shared Air, Other Souls, and
ever leave me.

Download poems in the free chapbook
Farewell Chicago

For Leonard Cohen Poem by D M Jackson

Oh we built you a pedestal Leonard Cohen
and it was not nearly tall enough
so we covered it with our tears
and rose petals of love

and we lost
the luster of youth
and ended up here

wondering what it was all about

pinpoint called life
love of life
love of love

Thank you for the ladies, Leonard.
They were angels singing
and you pointed them out

“Hear the angels”

and we love you for it.

david michael jackson September 21, 2015

Leonard Norman Cohen, CC GOQ (born 21 September 1934) is a Canadian singer, songwriter, musician, painter, poet, and novelist. His work has explored religion, politics, isolation, sexuality, and personal relationships.[2] Cohen has been inducted into both the Canadian Music Hall of Fame and the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame as well as the American Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. ……Wiki

When Silence is the Only Option by Daisy Sidewinder


When Silence is the Only Option

Sometimes words
are useless creatures –
unable to express
the anger
and anguish at
The deaths of
sacred illusions,
illusions made foolish
by time.
If it wasn’t
your illusion
you can’t sincerely
mourn its passing
or empathize with those
who watch with sorrow
as it morphs into a
dirty cobweb in a corner
of your memory.
And the Truth?
What of that?
Where is it?
Perhaps you think you know.
Or perhaps one day
your truths will
drift away
and you will mourn them,
and bury them
without honors.
And you will have no words

End of Summer Ant Poem

I am an ant pushing a stick
at the end of summer.
I carry a parcel of leaf
to deliver wherever
the scent takes me.
I have no leader
and still move mountains.
My cousin, the butterfly,has no brains but can fly to Peru.
Can you?
I am an ant pushing a stick and
all of your philosophy
can’t move that stick
or find an explanation
for me.
We are both tied to the end of summer,
lashed to the season’s,
of this one mooned earth.
like flowers we open to the light
and close our eyes at night
and we look to the sky,
the late summer sky,
and return to pushing our stick.

david michael jackson