On the Need to Write and The Reaper Poem by David Michael Jackson

I need to remember to
write a poem before
the reaper takes me
takes me,
takes me like he took all the others.
fallen down pieces of
granite were people just like
fallen and unremembered by
like my father.
There are many now
who don’t remember my
father but who
may remember me
and may someday read these
scribblings which
a nobody moron
loser like me
at least took the time to
So write,
leave scribblings on the walls
of your cave.

Feel of Spandex Poem by Joan Pond

The Feel of Spandex

It’s a routine exam.
No need to get undressed,
to check arthritic joints
and all the rest which fails.
It’s getting worse,
he assails with words.
Then, his hand
runs the length of my leg,
tracing meager contours and curves.
I am vexed
and wonder,
is it me
or the feel of spandex
he desires?

If Only Poem by Andy Derryberry

If Only

If I had my way there’d only be laughs and giggles

We’d all be innocent and a little tipsy

Smiling at the slightest thing

Never hurt or angry, nor scared or injured

Soaking in every moment completely without worry

Hardly able to sleep for being so alive

There’d be no sad good-byes no aching absence

Nothing precious lost and only laughter found

Nothing to envy, only things to admire

Nothing to horde, plenty to share

Laughs and giggles
If only I had my way