FUD. A Poem by Robin Ouzman Hislop.

Fud helped temper attacks
trump a three-word promise longer than ever before
the up ones sleeve trump card
trump up trick, as Day of Judgement
raised the dead on intestinal gas through the anus
to expel hopping into an atom splitting fission
similar referendum wins multiple atoms to split
exponential increase in atoms splitting into right wing populism
the number of some which will awaken destruction
to take war to Europe
and based on history applaud the great victory
to win back control from now fractured EU.
The final trumpet that taps into a seething and of course many
but based on history
the Christening of them leads to nothing happening
but Utopia argumentum ad metum
– not ace in the hole card period of time –
compare trombone at dawn by several commentators
that Brexit, a trick with a trump is not caused by
split geyser of anti-immigrant sentiment suggestions
and ascent in part we are entering one moral due to another
according to the belief of thousands within an extremely short period
on a very broad scale.
Possible scenarios are infinite
to build a wall has many awful faults prevented
hit the economy with a strong force of natural selection trump
which might represent to trump up a convincing EU
as well as also one major wave of inward-facing
and they in turn causing all the indicators
that were in case against the last EU for all its UK causes
automatically honour targeting frail people
in their many moving parts
as their combined energy weakens.
Fear uncertainty doubt FUD call force in suppressing
in the face of won overnight
by those who due to the massive complexity
by the hundreds of splits causing multiple moral Utopia
argumentum ad impact
of the first atom of all ages and killing. Of all ages and killing.



Robin Ouzman Hislop, born UK, a reader in philosophy & religions, has traveled extensively throughout his lifetime but now lives in semi- retirement as a TEFL teacher and translator in Spain & the UK.
Robin was editor of the 12 year running on-line monthly poetry journal Poetry Life and Times. In 2013 he joined with Dave Jackson as co-editor at Artvilla.com, where he presently edits Poetry Life & Times, Artvilla.com, Motherbird.com.
He’s been previously published in a variety of international magazines, later publications including Voices without Borders Volume 1 (USA), Cold Mountain Review (Appalachian University, N.Carolina), The Poetic Bond Volumes (thepoeticbond.com) and Phoenix Rising from the Ashes (a recently published international Anthology of Sonnets). His last publication is a volume of collected poems All the Babble of the Souk available at all main online tributaries.


goodreads.com/author/show/Robin Ouzman Hislop
http://www.amazon.com. All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop
www.lulu.com. All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop
http://www.innerchildpress.com/robin-ouzman-hislop.All the Babble of the Souk

Janet Kuypers’ “Obey” 6/4/16 female-themed poetry feature

Below are video links from a June 4th 2016 (6/4/16, or 20160604) poetry performance of Janet Kuypers’ Austin poetry feature through Expressions 2016: June is a Woman! at Austin’s the Bahá’í Center about being a woman, and about what women go through. Because she happened to see this spray-painted word on the side of the road this spring (when construction workers often write single words down to indicate things like where power lines are under ground), she had to take pictures with the word she saw, and she therefore decided to title this show “Obey”. In this show she also ran repeating images projected on the screen behind her of her drawings of woman alternating with her edited “Obey” images, and sampled in the background during her readings were instrumentals from 3 tracks from the Laurie Anderson album release, “the Ugly One with the Jewels”. She even explained to the live audience after the show that she even chose to wear a flapper dress for this show, because (A) that time period reflected the time just after women gained the right to vote in the United States, and (B) this clothing was the irst obvious sign of women wanted to stand on their own (and enjoy themselves too). It didn’t hurt that in Kuypers’ animation in her show (like doing the twist or jumping on a hotel bed, or even with her animated gestures during all of her performance), the fringe one her dress would exaggerate her movements as well.

[tubepress mode=’playlist’ playlistValue=’PLYa-AZK78_hqrap4OjcbKCbzS_hqDgX1s’ ]

Before the show started she also released copies to most everyone there of a chapbook of the writings she was performing in her show (in the order they were performed), and all of the pieces from this reading were also released electronically in a “Obey” chapbook, which you can download as a PDF file for free any time.

Read her haiku poems
and greatest,
then read her poems
Earth is a Topiary (her 1st of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of her poem in a male voice),
On Becoming a Woman (an editing and expansion of her 1999 poem Becoming a Woman),
Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph (an editing of her 1991 poem Photograph, Nineteenth Century and her 2nd of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of her poem in a male voice),
Content With Inferior Men, portions of her poem
In The Air with slightly altered wording, and
Oh, She Was a Woman (an editing of her 1997 poem She Was a Woman).

(Thanks to Thom for some photos from the event.)



It’s a long long night –
we bypass attraction on the way
to indifference -.
the beer is flat,
the bartender won’t refill our peanut bowl
nothing left to say
moves on to staring in each other’s face,
wondering what it takes for two people
to find even the merest attraction
in each other
and why the alcohol-fueled
loss of inhibitions is no help –
we’re just two different people
and, for all the liquor,
all the come-ons in the world.,
we’re fated to remain that way –
but I say, “It was nice talking to you”
and you reply, “the pleasure
was all mine” –
more hours wasted
on absolutely nothing —
sometimes I think
life was never meant
to happen.

John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident. Recently published in New Plains Review, South Carolina Review, Gargoyle and Big Muddy Review with work upcoming in Louisiana Review, Cape Rock and Spoon River Poetry Review. To view more of his work www.motherbird.com & Poetry Life & Times

goodreads.com/author/show/Robin Ouzman Hislop
http://www.amazon.com. All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop
www.lulu.com. All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop
http://www.innerchildpress.com/robin-ouzman-hislop.All the Babble of the Souk

How we learned our songs. A Poem by Goirick Brahmachari

Before the internet came
we skipped our meals,
pickpocketed our fathers,
sold old tapes,
and gave up our weekly rituals :
like momo eaters’ competitions
and morning biker’s tea,
to save one hundred twenty five bucks
and to collect our songs
Much later, 
we bicycled through piracy
across unnamed record shops
where fat tape recorders
could customize our compilations.
Then came Napster
And then came the YouTube
With torrents though,
our hard drives exploded
like never before
A thousand folders of songs that 
no one listens to
continue to accumulate.
The broken short wave radio 
that stayed with me since
I learnt my first song, 
now, does not allow 
FM frequencies to trespass through it,
almost, in revolt.
Goirick Brahmachari lives in New Delhi, India. He hails from Silchar, Assam. His poems have appeared in various Indian and international magazines.
Further reading of his work can be found at Poetry Life & Times & www.motherbird.com


goodreads.com/author/show/Robin Ouzman Hislop
http://www.amazon.com. All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop
www.lulu.com. All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop
http://www.innerchildpress.com/robin-ouzman-hislop.All the Babble of the Souk

We Shall Hold Hands and Pray | Poem by David Michael Jackson

Apples Painting

I will paint apples
and tend the vines
as they grow over me.
I will rhyme in time
and sing the songs of love.

The angry men are arriving with guns.

We shall hold hands and pray
We shall ask for peace.

The apples are red and green
and lie on the table in threes.
The muses arrive in sevens
and carry torches.

We shall hold hands and pray
We shall ask for peace.
We shall hold hands and pray
We shall ask for peace.
We shall hold hands and pray
We shall ask for peace.