Abstract Buffalo Painting in Red Yellow and Blue

Abstract Buffalo Painting
Abstract Buffalo Painting

Yep he’a an abstract buffalo alright, sometimes called a Fubalo my my late wife Janet. She was great at naming things. She named our cat Backup, another one Mindy Clark, and our dog Schmutt.

So anyway it’s an abstract buffalo because she said it was and so it is.
To me it looks like a cross between a rodent and a bird but I don’t think anyone will ask for that.
Art is about surprises and sometimes modern art needs to show up in unexpected places like subway walls and buffalo’s that aren’t quite buffalo’s.

david michael jackson May 7, 2012 editors@artvilla.com

Abstract Mouse Painting

See more of David’s Abstract Original Paintings
Sexy little mouse?
I usually am awarded this kind of keyword. A mouse is just what I made of it. Others see something else maybe. It was the purpose to let the viewer make his own decisions as to what it is. That doesn’t work out in this venue, the internet art gallery. My robot friends want to know where to put it. Someone will actually ask for an abstract mouse painting. I know these things because I’m already there for cat, turtle and a bunch of other abstract animals. At least my abstract cat painting is an abstract. Most of the others look like cats. LOL. There is another artist somewhere saying, “At least my abstract cat looks like a cat.” LOL again.

So this is my abstract mouse painting. I have to keep these two painting apart to protect the mouse.

editors@artvilla.com . my modern art paintings

End of Summer Painting- by Glenn Merchant

Summer Painting- The End of Summer


This summer painting really reminds me of summer.It is by Tennessee Artist Glenn Merchant. This is an abstract painting of a tree. The colors play with the eye. I really like the tree.

Here is and end of summer poem by Wayne Jackson (1951-1989)

August laughing wind
bouncing against the open window
extending a finger
into the corner of the summer
to ease the curtain aside
and gently blow a kiss
on my sweating brow

Here is Monet’s End of Summer Painting:

Monet End of Summer Painting
Monet End of Summer Painting

Claude Monet End of Summer

There are certainly similarities in color relationships here. Merchant is a more modern form of Monet, drifting into abstraction, but with the same intent, to capture the colors of the moment. To excite the eye.

Abstract Dog Painting

Abstract Dog Painting

Abstract Dog Painting is certainly a keyword name as I am an internet artist for sure. This painting actually has a title, The Dog Running Left. It is the second of the abstract dog series. I didn’t set out to paint the beast. I don’t set out to paint anything. I make shapes. Later I need a file name and have to “see something”. After I painted these I said, “Oh it must be the dog.”, They are now abstract dogs. I’m not even sure what that is.

The second of the dog paintings is The Dog Running Right:


Here is my painting of an old dog who used to live next door:

dog painting

Abstract dogs aren’t as sweet as real dogs. They are a bit unpredictable, like the artist/ poet/who-ever the hell I am. Anybody wanna buy an abstract dog painting from an old dog, well….
I haven’t given these away like I did the rest…so far.
See more of David’s Abstract Original Paintings
david michael jackson 2012 editors@artvilla.com