Ekphrastic Poem Peace and Motion by Shakiba (Yorkshire Arts) and Tony Martin Woods

Shakiba (a Persian word for a patient, tolerant and gentle person) is an artist based in Leeds, Yorkshire, since 2014. She is self-taught and works with Acrylic Pouring Techniques. Painting helped her to overcome the stress of her PhD thesis in a scientific discipline, which she completed in 2020. Editor’s note: for further viewing of Shakiba’s paintings & bio go to: https://yorkshire.art/directory/artist/shakiba/
tony republic
Tony Martin-Woods started to write poetry in 2012, at the age of 43, driven by his political indignation. That same year he also set in motion Poesía Indignada , an online publication of political poetry that he edits & (Transforming with Poetry) see Facebook.com. Tony is a political and artistic activist who explores the digital component of our lives as a means to support critical human empowerment. He is also known in the UK for his work as an academic and educator under his non-literary name. He writes in English and Spanish and has published his first volume of poetry Los viajes de Diosa (The Travels of Goddess) 2016.

Poetry Robin Ouzman Hislop’s books on Goodreads

All the Babble of the Souk

All the Babble of the SoukAll the Babble of the Souk by Robin Ouzman Hislop

Robin Ouzman Hislop, born UK, graduate in philosophy & religions, has travelled extensively throughout his lifetime but now lives in semi- retirement as a TEFL teacher and translator.

Robin was editor of the 12 year running on-line monthly poetry journal Poetry Life and Times. In 2013 he joined with Dave Jackson as co-editor at Artvilla.com, where he presently edits Poetry Life & Times.

He’s been previously published in a variety of international magazines, recent publications including Voices without Borders Volume 1 (USA), Cold Mountain Review (Appalachian University, N. Carolina), The Poetic Bond Volumes (thepoeticbond.com) and Phoenix Rising from the Ashes (a recently published international Anthology of Sonnets).

All the Babble of the Souk ©2015

Robin is a philosopher, poet, published author and more. It has been my privilege to reap the benefits of this man’s knowledge on an array of subjects. A man ahead of his time. A true visionary. ~Janet Caldwell, COO at Inner Child Ltd, author of the Author Den’s award winning “5 degrees to separation”

Robin is a brilliant writer and philosopher as well as a recognized poet. He is an editor and contributor for Poetry Life and Times and other publications. ~David Michael Jackson, Web Publisher at Artvilla.com

Robin is a highly innovative and gifted poet, who excels in writing sonnets, blank verse and haiku, and in translating poetry from Spanish into English. His work is first-rate. ~Richard Vallance, Linguist Linear B, Knossos & Mycenaean

…on All the Babble of the Souk

Gary Beck – All the Babble of the Souk is an elegant journey through both foreign and familiar climes. Anything but babble. Time and space bend in mysterious mists and mechanistic voyages. The poems pulsate with languid images that add to the wonder of travel to exotic places.

Scott Hastie – A collection of real substance that is long overdue. Robin writes with impressive depth and across a spread of philosophic stimuli that he makes uniquely his own. You do not have to travel long before you trip over killer lines, again and again… This is fresh, original and mature work, grown from one special creative soul’s well seasoned experience. Robin truly has a voice that is his own and it has been worth the wait to see it flower…

Robin Marchesi – High time this great Poet was properly in print. His Poems resonate like the work of Cavafy and Gibran. They are deep and revealing, resonating in one’s inner self. This book will stimulate your metaphysical being. Robin’s Poetry opens you to questions about who you are…. Essential reading……

R. W. Haynes – Robin Ouzman Hislop’s All the Babble of the Souk grips elemental tangles with wisely wistful authority, making a claim both for the adequacy of animate language and for erudite perception. Counterpointing the abstruse and the inescapably basic, these poems draw upon a power that surprises, engaging the reader in the poet’s heartfelt conversation with a tradition and its diverse voices, including T. S. Eliot and Dylan Thomas. Hislop’s retro-modernist recovery of vision argues for a refreshed perception of poetic possibility and a turn from the infinite regress of the verse which echoes the empty sophistry of twentieth-century language philosophers. Music, with its syncopation, minor chords, pauses, accelerations, jingles, knocks, and elegiac phrases constitutes a crucial part of the essence of this splendid collection.

Ian Irvine (Hobson) – The metaphor of the ‘marketplace’ or ‘bazaar’ – symbolic in this collection of public spaces generally (both physical and cultural/mediatised) – launches this remarkable collection of poems by a poet, editor and creative thinker of international significance. The ‘souk’ is a place of trade, chance meetings, overheard conversations and communal eating. This collection also links it to our post-post modern state of life in the face of cultural globalisation. However, rather than theorise key aspects of our world we are invited to explore them instead as states of being – with joyous and anxious dimensions. As the poet/narrator mingles, observes, samples and digests (in poem after poem) a colourful array of stimuli – sensorial, relational and intellectual – we gradually feel our perception of life and the species crisis/moment deepen and expand. The melancholy grandeur of the human predicament slowly comes into focus – largely through the poet’s gift of empathy. A wonderful selection of poems updating for the new millennia themes mulled over by the likes of Baudelaire (in Paris Spleen), Apollinaire (in Zone), George Oppen (in Of Being Numerous) and many other great 19th and 20th century poets.

View all my reviews

Robin Ouzman Hislop’s books on Goodreads


http://www.amazon.com. All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop
www.lulu.com. All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop
http://www.innerchildpress.com/robin-ouzman-hislop.All the Babble of the Souk

Séraphine de Senlis | A Poem by Titania Starr

Séraphine Louis, L'arbre de Pararadis
Séraphine Louis, L’arbre de Pararadis, Ripolin sur toile, vers 1928-30…….image via Wiki



Séraphine de Senlis


(Seraphine Louis 1864 -1942. French Painter)


Paintings grew out of you like trees.

In glowing light on your knees

You painted each leaf tending over it,

Perfecting it, giving it life,

Singing as you worked, as you painted,

As you planted each tree into the canvas.


The leaves were alive. They had eyes.

They had blood in their veins.

I saw them fluttering about the room,

My room, a century later like butterflies.

Red leaves like feather or flame

Flying through the air birds or fire.


The evenings were yours.

Mixing the alchemic paints,

Turning river reeds and field grasses

Into eye-catching green,

The algae pigment leaves budding

Before your eyes, and those of our Virgin.


Leaves floated from the easel, like in a wind.

My eyes wept. The candles burned.

Hymns splashed from your mouth

Onto the canvas. Into the paints.

The trees grew with the sound of song;

The angels heard it, the trumpets sounded.


From your daytime walks you brought back

The countryside in your eye.

You re-planted each flower in paint;

The white flower like a candle’s halo

Or a saint’s glow. Flowers

Blue with petals like Mary’s garments.


You painted and planted a harvest.

Then the light dimmed, and song ended.

Your thoughts seemed to snap, like twigs.

All the leaves that burned red,

Shone red, now drained of blood.

Your paradisal trees stood shrouded.


© Titania Starr 2010


Poetry & Poems of Garcia Lorca 1898-1936

Garcia Lorca is one of the more important Spanish poets, he was brutally executed at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. Most of the works appearing here are translations together with Spanish guitar music inspired by his creations, as well as its influences, some documentary features & notably his visit to the USA, which served not only as a source of inspiration to him but to many of the current & later writers in the USA. Editor Robin Ouzman Hislop.

[tubepress mode=”tag” tagValue=”Garcia Lorca Poems” resultsPerPage=”18″ orderBy=”relevance” perPageSort=”viewCount” ]

Garcia Lorca Poems


Poetry & Poems of Frank O’Hara. 1926-1966

Francis Russell “Frank” O’Hara was an American writer, poet and art critic. Because of his employment as a curator at the Museum of Modern Art, O’Hara became prominent in New York City’s art world.

Animals by Frank O'Hara read by A Poetry Channel

Frank O'Hara: Lunch Poems

Song (is it dirty), by Frank O'Hara, Read by David J. Bauman

Willem de Kooning / Frank O'Hara Poems

Frank O´Hara reads "Having a coke with you"

Six Poems of Frank O'Hara: Poem

Frank O’Hara reads selected poems

Don Draper Recites Frank O' Hara's Poetry

Having a Coke with Frank O'Hara

USA: Poetry, Frank O'Hara (1966)

Frank O'Hara Reading | Frank O'Hara Poetry | Frank O'Hara Poems

My Heart by Frank O'Hara

Frank O'Hara reading from Lunch Poems

Meditations In An Emergency // Frank O'Hara

PBS NewsHour: "POEM" by Frank O'Hara

"POEM" by Frank O'Hara (Favorite Poem Project)

ORAL HISTORY INITIATIVE: On Frank O'Hara – Woodberry Poetry Room

USA: Poetry Episode Frank O'Hara and Ed Sanders

Our Life in Poetry: Frank O'Hara

Frank O'Hara – Mayakovsky poem reading

Morning Poem // Frank O'Hara

Frank O'Hara: Why I Am Not A Painter

Life, Work, and Lunch: Meditations on Frank O'Hara

Frank O'Hara: A Step Away From Them


Selected Poems of Frank O’Hara, edited by Donald Allen, Carcanet 2005;
The Dance of the Intellect, Studies in the Poetry of the Pound Tradition by Marjorie Perloff, Northwestern University Press 1985;
Poetry On & Off the Page by Marjorie Perloff, Northwestern University Press 1998;
The Making of the Reader, Language and Subjectivity in Modern American, English and Irish Poetry by David Trotter, Macmillan 1984;
City Poet: The Life and Times of Frank O’Hara by Brad Gooch, Alfred Knopf 1993;
Some Americans, A Personal Record by Charles Tomlinson, University of California Press 1981 (reprinted by Carcanet in the volume American Essays: Making It New, 2001).