From the Cradle Poem by Rochelle Hope Mehr

From the Cradle

At some point every child wonders if he or she is adopted.
Those two strange creatures hovering so high above you,
Their conniving ways disgorging the sputum of your innocent
What are they to each other?
What are they to you?

He says you’ve both got the same crooked finger on the right hand.
You must be his kid.
He’s always calling you by her name when he gets angry at you.
What of it?

She tries to protect you from him.
Shelter you under her wing.
From there you can hear her heart aflutter.
But she can’t hear you.
She knows what is best for you.
Exactly what you want and need.
Will even dip her head down to ask you
But then do exactly the opposite of what you say.
You’re too much a part of her —
Squiggling under her wing.

They both see you as her underling
And fight their battles.
Sometimes you are roused from your slumber
By their grousing and peep.
They drag you out to mediate.
It isn’t easy playing King Solomon.
Not for a little pipsqueak.

Rochelle Hope Mehr

White Wall Poem by Rochelle Hope Mehr

White Wall

White wall blocking my way.
Traffic cop shoving hand in my face.
Take seat.
Pinpricks up my ass.
Like junior high fiends
Thumbtacking the seats.
We had to learn to look
Before sitting.
Always wary.
Always watching.
Always knowing someone’s out to get you.
Stand up, take stand.
White wall in my face.
Nothing up ahead.
Pinpricks waiting behind.
Not so cushy
For my tushy.

Rochelle Hope Mehr

Burn the Art Poem by David Michael Jackson

Thoughts of burning art again
To have placed any value in it
seems quaint tonight
a simple fire without ceremony
is all that is needed really
just call it collateral damage

no one will notice
Vincent had the chance
he blew it
and now they gather
around these pieces of his fabric
like they are lives to be saved somehow
while the children play with the depleted uranium

You are the soldiers and we command you poem by Carl Sandburg


SMASH down the cities.
Knock the walls to pieces.
Break the factories and cathedrals, warehouses
and homes
Into loose piles of stone and lumber and black
burnt wood:
You are the soldiers and we command you.

Build up the cities.
Set up the walls again.
Put together once more the factories and cathedrals,
warehouses and homes
Into buildings for life and labor:
You are workmen and citizens all: We
command you.