Some People Poem By Wislawa Szymborska

Some People – Poem by Wislawa Szymborska
Some people fleeing some other people.

In some country under the sun

and some clouds.

They leave behind some of their everything,

sown fields, some chickens, dogs,

mirrors in which fire now sees itself reflected.

On their backs are pitchers and bundles,

the emptier, the heavier from one day to the next.

Taking place stealthily is somebody’s stopping,

and in the commotion, somebody’s bread somebody’s snatching

and a dead child somebody’s shaking.

In front of them some still not the right way,

nor the bridge that should be

over a river strangely rosy.

Around them, some gunfire, at times closer, at times farther off,

and, above, a plane circling somewhat.

Some invisibility would come in handy,

some grayish stoniness,

or even better, non-being

for a little or a long while.

Something else is yet to happen, only where and what?

Someone will head toward them, only when and who,

in how many shapes and with what intentions?

Given a choice,

maybe he will choose not to be the enemy and

leave them with some kind of life.

Jacy? ludzie

Jacy? ludzie w ucieczce przed jakimi? lud?mi.

W jakim? kraju pod s?o?cem

i niektórymi chmurami.

Zostawiaj? za sob? jakie? swoje wszystko,

obsiane pola, jakie? kury, psy,

lusterka, w których w?a?nie przegl?da si? ogie?.

Maj? na plecach dzbanki i tobo?ki,

im bardziej puste, tym z dnia na dzie? ci??sze.

Odbywa si? po cichu czyje? ustawanie,

a w zgie?ku czyje? komu? chleba wydzieranie

i czyje? martwym dzieckiem potrz?sanie.

Przed nimi jaka? wci?? nie t?dy droga,

nie ten, co trzeba most

nad rzek? dziwnie ró?ow?.

Doko?a jakie? strza?y, raz bli?ej, raz dalej,

w górze samolot troch? ko?uj?cy.

Przyda?aby si? jaka? niewidzialno??,

jaka? bura kamienno??,

a jeszcze lepiej nieby?o??

na pewien krótki czas albo i d?ugi.

Co? jeszcze si? wydarzy, tylko gdzie i co.

Kto? wyjdzie im naprzeciw, tylko kiedy, kto,

w ilu postaciach i w jakich zamiarach.

Je?li b?dzie mia? wybór,

mo?e nie zechce by? wrogiem

i pozostawi ich przy jakim? ?yciu.

Black Tie Poems | M. Earl Smith | Art by 3valynn










Painting by 3Valynn

Black Tie


Everything in the world

Was there for him to take

All around him, colors whirled

Crossed up by black tie fate

Old money, new money

A cross of different worlds

The differences stunned me

As I watched the drama unfurl

Worth more than your weight in gold

That color splatter onto gray

Your plan for love so bold

Love stretching to the end of the day

The circumstances were unique

Not normal, to say the least

Even when things were bleak

You sought to build a better beast

So when they compare you

You were worth the entire lot

And one fine day, true

The world will realize what is lost


Black Tie, Too!


Look at me!

Look at you!

It looks like you wore

Your black tie, too!

Party Time!

Yes, it’s true!

I’m dressed up

And so are you

A black tuxedo

And shiny shoes!

A gold silk shirt

And silver jewels!

We’ll have a good time

With friends, old and new

Who knows the things

That we’ll all do?

So let’s get ready

To bid adieu

To boring times

As we party, me and you

Janet Kuypers’ “Exalted Love” 2/4/17 poetry feature/show with background music

    Below are writing links, video links and images from a February 4th 2017 (2/4/17, or 20170204) poetry performance of Janet Kuypers’ Austin poetry feature “Exalted Love” through “Greatest Love” live in Austin Texas.

    The theme of the night with other features was about poetry and was about not just love (because Valentine’s Day is this month), but the “Greatest Love” , which can be interpreted philosophically in so many ways. So Janet Kuypers covered this very explicitly in her show about the love of a person, the love of nature, the love of astronomy, or even discovering the right book to bring the love of the right philosophy, bringing meaning to your life. Her “Exalted Love” show was also accompanied by music from Mozart (“the Dissonant”) rainforest sounds, and “Hotel Music” from the HA!Man of South Africa (Francois Le Roux, with “the story i am trying to tell” and “easy afternoon” both from his “Hotel Music”).

[tubepress mode=’playlist’ playlistValue=’PLYa-AZK78_hqFjoozoNMfO2Zn3SNboUfJ’ ]

Exalted Love chapbook

    Before the show started she also released copies to most everyone there of a chapbook of the writings she was performing in her show (in the order they were performed), and all of the pieces from this reading were also released electronically in a &#8220Exalted Love” chapbook, which you can download as a PDF file for free any time.

Read the poems from the show:

Mapping the Way to True Love
Years, Centuries, Eons
Zenith of the Night Sky
just one book

Bonus videos in the above playlist include “after the show” poems, like “Amber Beads”, “Praying to Idols”, “Unless it Happens to You”, and the haiku “oceans”.

Canon Power Shot video still from Exalted Love showCanon Power Shot video still from Exalted Love showCanon Power Shot video still from Exalted Love showCanon Power Shot video still from Exalted Love showCanon Power Shot video still from Exalted Love showCanon Power Shot video still from Exalted Love showCanon Power Shot video still from Exalted Love showCanon Power Shot video still from Exalted Love showCanon Power Shot video still from Exalted Love showCanon Power Shot video still from Exalted Love showCanon Power Shot video still from Exalted Love showCanon Power Shot video still from Exalted Love showCanon Power Shot video still from Exalted Love showCanon Power Shot video still from Exalted Love show

Each time I touch beauty | Poem by Joan Pond

Each time I touch beauty,

it is gone, good-bye, as nothing.

Snowdrifts sob through charred rock,

as we fade into crystal possibilities, jammed as one.


Be wise.  Entertain no love, but love the flaws.

An athlete who weeps, is afloat in my bloodstream.

he is hidden as amen or adieu.

Some slide down the dipper

and drive their chins into the North Star,

or they set ten toes as a compass, round the Pole.

I march without movement,

recalling green beauty.