Arrival of the Dreaded Body Snatchers by Dandelion Del La Rue

alice in wonderland

alice in wonderland

Arrival of the Dreaded Body Snatchers

The Body Snatchers
Have arrived
And won. I see around me
Countless plants
In human guise,
Giant philodendrons
Everywhere, attached to
Little boxes
Little brain supports
Staring into
What would Alice say?
Boringer and boringer

What if Alice
Had an ipad
Instead of a boring book
With no pictures
Or conversations.
She wouldn’t have seen
The rabbit
Or fallen down the
Rabbit hole
Or drank from the drink me bottle
Or nibbled on the
Magic mushroom.
She might have
Thought, the roses were really red.
Wikipedia would have said so,
And she wouldn’t have
Noticed the cards
Running to and fro
With sloshing buckets
Of crimson paint.
She wouldn’t have heard
The wisdom falling from the
grinning lips of Cheshire cats
And caterpillars.
And Dorothy, of course,
Could have googled maps
And got to Kansas by the
Shortest superhighway.
She never would have
Met the scarecrow, or the
Lion, or heard
The munchkins sing.
She wouldn’t know
That she could melt a witch
Or dance on yellow brick roads.
She never would
Have stopped to smell
The poppies.

I’d rather be
An old human
Than a young
I’m glad that I was young
Before the body snatchers

Titanium, “Periodic Table of Poetry” poem by Chicago poet Janet Kuypers


Janet Kuypers

from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series (#22, Ti)
(based on the poem “The Way You Tease Me”)

What I think I like the most about you
is the way you always leave me wanting more.
The longer I’m out in the sun, the more red
my nose and cheeks get, and the more I want
to slather you all over me to protect me.

What I think I like the most about you is how
whenever I see you around me, you consume me
like a wave of heat on a summer afternoon.
Seeing your metal along my flesh teases me
until sweat dances down my hairline and tickles my neck.

What I think I like the most about you
is when you say that absence makes the heart grow fonder,
because you’re like the fireworks I only see
on special occasions, and with your absence
I want you more, so you couldn’t be more right.

What I think I like the most about you
are the things that make me think I have to fight for you,
are the things that make you cost just too much.
It’s true, the market determines your worth to the world,
even if you’re always priceless to me.

What I think I like the most about you
is the fact that you can lead the way to help me
fly high into the sky, so I could see any corner
of the Earth, or even see the Universe beyond
our narrow global vision. You do that for me.

What I think I like the most about you
is the fact that you seem so common in the world,
but you manage to hide yourself in just the right way.
But still, you’re everywhere from dental implants to cell phones,
to engagement rings to jet engines to space ships…

What I think I like the most about you
is the wondering about you, is the yearning for you.
That’s what I like. This high-charged guessing game.
You make me work so hard just to find you. You leave me
to think about the possibilities. And that’s what I like.

Oh Abraham



Both hold dead babies
“See what they’ve done”

Innocence is no longer
children see
dead children held in the air

Oh Abraham your
is noisy
and leaves
dead children in the street
and trash in the ocean

Rodeo Ready by Norman Tween

Rodeo Ready

Rodeo Ready

Here is a song about Rodeo Ready
he could ride a horse real steady
and he sang his songs all night long
to his lovely darlin’ Betty
That’s Betty Ready

She said,
You can ride and twirl a rope
and sing like a chickadee
why don’t you sing on the radio
and not just sing for me.

So that’s when Rodeo Ready
when down to the radio

He said,
I’m Rodeo Ready
and I’ve got a song or two
I always sing these songs for Betty
but now I’ll sing them all for you.

So he sang his songs and they looked on
and then they had this to say,
We like your songs and the way you play
and thanks for coming by today,
You’re not radio ready,
no siree
You’re not radio ready.
Leave your card in the hall with Eddie,
Mr Rodeo Ready.

So Rodeo Ready went home to Betty
he said,
I sang my songs in the bar so strong
but Them old dudes said I sounded wrong.
They said you’re not Radio Ready
and to leave my card with Eddie
Cause I’m not Radio Ready.

So who is this Radio Ready said Betty
I swear he don’t mean nothin’ to me
And if he’s so good”
on the radio already he’d be.”

So now ya’ll know Rodeo Ready
never got on the radio
and he went back to
singing his songs alone to Betty
Well one day he became a dadd-ee-o
Folks showed up when the child was born,
and asked them, “What’s the baby’s name?

Well Betty looked at Rodeo

Rodeo looked at Betty

“We’ll call him Radio Ready
He’ll be Radio Ready.

And on the way home
Betty she moaned
“Did you leave your card with Eddie?”

Lyrics by David Michael Jackson and Norman Tween
Melody by Norman Tween
Guitar by Andy Derryberry

Photo Clipped from Why the Cowboy Sings


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Posts by Summer Breeze

Edy Lou Benjamin

Edy Lou Benjamin

Summer Breeze (Edy Lou Benjamin) of Silver City, New Mexico founded our sister site, and has been our friend and comrade since 1998. We lost her this year. She also published many poems at Artvilla over the years.
We will miss you, Summer.

Here are the posts Summer published at Artvilla since 2005. Not all of the dates are accurate.

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