Make sense poem

Make sense this time
said the budding flower
get a life said the tree
make something of yourself said the pot
then they all died
except for the pot
who was made of death
and held the water carefully
as the bee landed on the lip
and said,
See my short life,
visiting the tree
and the flower
and the pot,
I have no time for poems
and I am more useful than you
for no one writes odes
to the poet who writes odes to me,
the bee

david michael jackson

Depression Poem by David Michael Jackson


His elbow rests on his knee and his chin is in

the palm of his hand

he fights off the urge for another drink or

another smoke or

another anything else that might

pretend to ease

that craving that

sense of waiting

he wipes his forehead with his palm and wishes the answers were there

but they are not there or

anywhere else

Hemingway took the cowards way out

leaving me here to state it plainly

life has no answers for you, pal

answers are not what we are here



Mistress of the Free/Lady Liberty Poem by Jim Schultz

Mistress of the Free/Lady Liberty

Verse 1

Mistress of the free
Shall we ever
see you as before
Guiding in the lost and cold
onto our eastern shore

May we ever
see your torch again
Or shall your light
be snuffed away by ruling men
By those who changed what you had been
into a threat
into a fear
for all who dared to hold you dear


And we made of you
a beacon to
the hopeless and the poor
We lit your torch so all could see
the hope beyond our door
And though you held it oh so high
a symbol of the free
They turned your torch into a sword
for all the world to see

Verse 2

Lady Liberty
Shall your people
let their voices soar
Turning back their rulers course
away from endless war

Shall your people
cast their lot with you
Or shall we fail
and let the madness start anew
The madness of the ruling few
So those who rule
so those who war
may cower at your peoples roar


And we made of you
a beacon to
the hopeless and the poor
We lit your torch so all could see
the hope beyond our door
And though you held it oh so high
a symbol of the free
They turned your torch into a sword
for all the world to see


Universe Explosion

Both religion and science now tell us all this matter was “cast” out there or exploded into being from a tiny almost nothingness, we’ll call it a TAN. That leaves us an empty universe with this TAN which may explode.
It leaves me with a few more questions.
Isn’t there a lot of room in the near empty universe for other TANS? Are there other universe explosions?
Would these explosions bump into each other?
This TAN…What is it made of?
No matter how small something gets it can always be cut in half. It seems that every time we magnify something it gets bigger in our minds and it turns out to be made of other stuff.
A universe with one TAN in it
How big is that universe?
We can learn what happened after the explosion? It’s like finding the pieces of a bomb and trying to figure out what it looked like before it exploded.
Why did the TAN explode. Did it sit there and then, suddenly, BOOM?

This particular universe exploded and we find ourselves, 14 billion years later in a few billion years window of possible life on this planet, living 80 year lives wondering where all this stuff came from and thinking we can figure out the meaning of it all.
Bless our hearts!

More than two dozen scientists from Michigan research universities, including teams from the University of Michigan and Wayne State University, contributed to the discovery of a particle that fits the description of the Higgs boson.
…..Without this particle, and the Higgs field it represents, matter would have no mass. Without mass, there would be no gravity, and thus no planets, stars, or galaxies, and therefore, no humans


david michael jackson july 7 2012 send Bosons

Forsaken Love Poem by jon lejeune

Vampiric Fluff
reach into my soul
my tainted void
embrace your heart
and grasp my love

sing a song I can’t remember
and tell a tale I’ll never fathom

sonnets speaking

write your vows
as I bleed mine
gagging on your sweet touch
Aphrodite’s purest nectur

flames enchanting
dancing through your eyes, reflecting-
a smitten coward
a golden God
a forsaken love