remembrance poem by Wayne Jackson

In whispering moments when we are quietly drinking
amid our dreams of tree and shade
and night, the predator, with cat eyes winking
more solumn in thought than faded rock,
I sense remembrance, the silent walker,
as I prancing willfully play.
I touch the void with violent fingers
and block the path of blackness
malingering at the edge of concious thought
forgetting too soon what once I’d sought
so skillfully the musicians play.

Iron Worker's Dream Poem by Wayne Jackson

I am me looking up at him.
sweat run over ribs..tickling
air liquid and choking…hot
a field with grass…tangled green
ground……friendly conspirator
a column …red and flowing
neck muscles strain to stretch…looking upward
vertical parallels…the beam
I am me looking up at him.

A stranger…sun peeking over his shoulder
the outline…indistinct because of brightness.
He is looking down at me.
He seems to know me well.
a stranger
I seem to know him well
a stranger
He knows I’m glad I’m here..
I know he wishes he weren’t.

places change
people….white ants on a hill
trees…dwarfed green dots
machines…toys covered with thumbs
sun…burning back
height….fellow worker
ground….distant enemy
He is I looking up at me
I am him looking down on me