Cat’s Tail Poem by Laura Greenall

Cat’s Tail

Quietly through the streets I creep,
Pawsing to scratch behind my ears or bite a flea.
What’s that? Darting left, darting right,
I pounce! Oh sweet mouse,
Did you think to escape me?
Home. Scratch, scratch at the door.
I reward my human with a rub between the legs,
A soft rumble as she puts down the food.
I wash my face and jump in my human’s lap.
I rumble louder as she strokes me.
I butt her face with mine. She kisses me.
Humans are funny, but necessary.
I think I’ll keep mine.

That’s Me Poem by Wayne Jackson

That’s Me
by Wayne Jackson (1951-1989)

That’s me, I thought, strange around the edges, the ultimate jackoff, the big ripoff, bloodsucker king, the fuck you man man, the boy lost in a crowd, lip pouting fool. So what? Big damn deal. To hell with it.
It’s something to laugh about. Sometimes I’m not so nice. I’ve got memories to prove it.
We topped out that night at Alfreds. Harry went first, of course. We left him leaning and hugging the fat barmaid, wimpering about some God damn dog he had. Big deal.We’ve all had dogs before for Christ’s sake. Then James. No weepy scene this time, just peacefull dreams in the alley. I left him my coat and walked off. A block later I got cold and went back. “Dream on you shivering bastard”, I said.