
A play on words. Poetry in motion

Drag Me Poem

Drag Me Poem

You drag me to this box again

as if there is water in this well

I look at my hands

my palms

I remember the color of the young

Elvis in the video tonight,

like a Monet painting he sang for me

from the past.

Is this the past and you are some


studying unknown folk poets

of ,

what century is this?

I get them mixed up.

It’s the

universe explosions

every 28 billion years.

They take the ears out,

and a piece of the memory.

When a universe explodes it’s one big show.

So I’m the one

I’m the one


drags me to this box again

in this eternal


drag me poem david michael jackson

The last poem was Cow Poem. The next poem is The Silicon Master Poem

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