Mystical Photographs wanted for Mystical House Film

PARTICIPATION OPPORTUNITY for Mystical House Productions. There are not enough people connected to yet to make it viable so I am asking all of you to share this message on your site. LET’S MAKE A LITTLE MOVIE WITH YOUR MYSTICAL PHOTOGRAPHS. Each person who would like to, send up to 3 “mystical” photographs that you have taken yourself. Everyone participating gets credit in the film. I will produce it. I have original music already and will write some words. You may also write a few words to go with the pics you send. Send submissions to Belinda Subraman at Please share this message far and wide.




1. Of or having a spiritual reality or import not apparent to the intelligence or senses.
2. Of, relating to, or stemming from direct communion with ultimate reality or God: a mystical religion.
3. Enigmatic; obscure: mystical theories about the securities market.
4. Of or relating to mystic rites or practices.
5. Unintelligible; cryptic.