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Little Boy Little Girl

by Summer Breeze



little boy little girl remember the squeal
of delight it is
what makes the big boy/big girl melt
it is the heart in the throat that taste so good and doesn't get stuck
in adam's apple
that blissed us wrapped up in starry night
oh Van, you shoulda let go
we are all hiding seeking
remember playing 'statue'?
one's just gotta learn
holding on and letting go
least we throw our partner for a loop
spin outta control on no
if you ain't laughing now where's the hope
come jake the spider and sit down be side her
and tell her another song
these durn stigmata in our throats
we gotta find a better cough syrup
slippery elm is good for the head
but sassafras will soothe it down
and jasmine is as good an image as nightengale anytime
you think?
therefore i can too?
who knotted my shoe this time?
give me hair down to there
a siren that sings to the heart
skipping only friendly beats
like a drum
durmmm du-rmmm
flip me over this sides done...

transfer special
window help
night window mirror reflection
o night
o music
i'll be mary if you'll be jane
skip heart beat toke
dance sit chair swirl
breathing candle
en up smile
this moment ends
here comes another

we gather feathers of many birds
build fine nest
strong nest jake
will last even after
both of our final explosions
into what comes next


with the mightiest of weapons we fight
the pen, the paint, the music
we win even when we lose
we continue the fight of all our dead heros
we struggle with the same effort as the first life forms
that struggled out of the ocean to breathe air
it is our rememberance
even in loss something is gained


jake is big help
turning the stones to heavy for summer
we will swim upstream
learn the secrets of the salmon
belly up to fead the bear
become the bear's strength
with salmon eyes that hug the world


summer and jake they gather
twigs and strings and straw
building the most inviting 
art villa for mother bird
their refuge for castaways
of the storm
they aim to heal the world
yet even one tattered heart
made whole again is enough
for passage out of Blake's 



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