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Interlude Ticking of the clock poem Poem

Interlude by Darla Fitzgerald

Ticking of the kitchen clock
Moments measuring in time

Pen composing on lined paper
Ink gliding side to side

Gazing out rain spotted windows
Panes of glass dividing by eight

Sky painting the oceans blue
Clouds floating to set sail

Gentle waves of wind drifting
Sea of grass rising and falling

Tree tops swaying in flowing rhythm
Leaves dancing in golden sunlight

Butterflies hiding in secret places
Songbirds playing follow the leader

Ticking of the kitchen clock
Soul searching for magical wishes

Online Magazines:No publication rights
Word Salad-Publish July 2002
Write-Away!-Publish July 2002
Wellspring Journal-Publish Oct. 2002
Sometimes I Sleep With The Moon-Publish Winter
Printed Magazines:No publication rights
Eve's Back-Publish Dec. 2002
Carillon-Publish Feb. 2003

Darla at Moongate               Artvilla

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