Le mystère d’amour. Love’s Mystery. Poem.Translation.Jo-Elle

Le mystère d’amour
  Ils se parent de couleurs,
  de leurs plus beaux atours
  pour montrer leur valeur,
  se promènent alentour.

  Il semble que leur coeur,
  amoureux pour toujours,
  veut montrer sa vigueur
  en chantant ce beau jour.

  Avec quelque impudeur
  ils arborent leur amour,
  et affichent leur ardeur
  comme de vrais troubadours.

  Alors ils passent des heures
  à danser, faire la cour,
  sans soucis des rieurs
  vers leur but sans détour.

  Pourquoi vont-ils sans peur,
  comment savent-ils toujours
  où trouver le bonheur,
  c’est le mystère d’amour.

 Love’s mystery

They dress in colour,
in their best finery,
to show their valour,
and walk without hurry.
It’s their heart’s nature
to be in love always.
To show their vigour
they sing throughout the days.
Like real troubadours
they display their feelings,
express their ardour,
immodest little things.
That’s why they spend hours
court without any shame,
coloured like flowers,
flying straight to their aim.
Why they go fearless,
in complete liberty,
how they find happiness,
that is love’s mystery.


Jo-Elle (re-)discovered writing very recently, when an accident put her professional career on hold for two months.  She has been writing poems since, mostly to learn English as a member of AllPoetry.com, but her best poems are in her mother tongue.
An analytical mind and an eternal learner, she writes about any subject, from nature to the human condition, which she observes from a detached point of view, and even more so when the subject is close to her heart.

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