HAIKU : Ram Krishna Singh

HAIKU: Ram Krishna Singh

on the river’s bank
his soul is lighted for peace–
lantern in the sky

shine in the grass
broken pieces of glass
in the backyard

shifting years’ load
away to the new building:
choking scholarship

lying in her nightie
she wipes the stray raindrops
settled on her cheeks

doesn’t exist
my mornings
without her sunsets

they come together
as themselves within themselves–
love’s silence

hitching up the skirt
she fills her pockets with
unripe mangoes

after cleaning
the maid leaves behind
an oily smell

in the middle of the field
a woman with child

smell of fish
in apple juice bottle–

the granddaughter’s cry for mom
out on shopping

looks for fish
a siberian crane
in a lotus pond

she smiles
sex in the eyes:
Eve Enseler

too heavy
these man-made machines
choking weight

hot on the trail with youth
she scales up the heights of dream
and leaves me stunned with chill