Tin, a Periodic Table poem by Chicago poet Janet Kuypers


Janet Kuypers

from the “ Periodic Table of Poetry” series (#050, Sn)
(sung to a beat)

If I only had a brain

if I only had a brain

I’d get out from under
this bent tin roof
that covers me
as I sleep at night

tin metal sheets
keep the rain away
but the wind

but the wind

if I only had a brain

I wouldn’t use
my old tin cup
to stand and face east
at Canal and Randolph
and ask for change

I wait for commuters
to cross the Chicago river
to get to their train

you see, I wait
at the other side
and the ones with the money
have to walk right by

that’s when I rattle
my old tin cup
give them doe eyes
say “God bless”

but if I only had a brain
I wouldn’t rattle
my tin cup
and ask for tin change
I’d get myself up

if I only had a brain

I’d have a lot of money
I’d eat at fancy restaurants
I’d wear the plastic bib

if I only had a brain
I wouldn’t be poor
tin cans of Fanta
soup from a tin can
on Tin pan alley

if I only had a brain

you might bend me
but I just won’t break
‘cause if I had a brain
then I’d be great

Scandium, poem by Janet Kuypers


Janet Kuypers

from the “ Periodic Table of Poetry” series — #021, Sc

You have been so rare to me.
I’ve wanted to know you,
I’ve wanted to see you,
but you’re more common in the sun
than you are right here,
and the only way you’re made
is in the explosion of supernovae.

The scant amounts of you
the entire world knew
were once used in Russia,
prepping for cold war battle.

And you may be strong,
you may give us strength,
but your more violent strengths
come from your creation,
in a burst of radiation
that outshines the galaxy.

I know you’re more common in our sun,
but the energy in a supernova’s explosion
equals all of the energy our sun ever releases.

That’s where you come from.
And that’s why I’m drawn to you.
That’s why I want to know you.
Besides, even though we beat the USSR,
we’ll hedge our bets
to understand you
for any strengths we can get.

Carl Sandburg Poetry Readings

carl sandburg poetry readings videos

Here we are searching for “Carl Sandburg”.  Carl August Sandburg was an American writer and editor best known for poetry. He won three Pulitzer Prizes, two for his poetry and one for his biography of Abraham Lincoln.

Poems of Carl Sandburg (part 1)

The Writings of Carl Sandburg

"To a Contemporary Bunkshooter," by Carl Sandburg – Poem Read by DJB

"A Honky Tonk In Cleveland,Ohio" by Carl Sandburg:A Reading By The Ol' Curmudgeon

Poetry Reading: Arithmetic by Carl Sandburg

A Poetry Reading: Arithmetic by Carl Sandburg

Carl Sandburg poem reading

Pug University: Cultural Thursday Poetry Reading of "Fog" by Carl Sandburg

"Fog" Carl Sandburg poem CARL SANDBURG RECITES (poetry is like music–listen for musical effects)

Bath By Carl Sandburg | Poetry Reading

Carl Sandburg: His Life, His Poetry, His Cause

Carl Sandburg-The White Horse Girl and The Blue Wind Boy

"Chicago" by Carl Sandburg (read by Tom O'Bedlam)

Carl Sandburg-The Two Skyscrapers Who Decided To Have a Child

Carl Sandburg "The People Yes" Poem animation

"Grass" Carl Sandburg recites! — poem about nature covering up humankind's bloody wars POWERFUL

Carl Sandburg Reads Poetry For Children, 1959

" FOG" by Carl Sandburg | Poetry Reading

"The Past is a Bucket of Ashes" by Carl Sandburg (read by Tom O'Bedlam)

Poet Carl Sandburg interview (1956)

Tribute-Poems Carl Sandburg read by Michael Lee Johnson, Itasca, IL

Carl Sandburg "Cool Tombs" Poem animation

Who Am I – by Carl Sandburg | Read by RPC

Carl Sandburg – Gone

The Carl Sandburg Collection at the University of Illinois Library in Urbana-Champaign is the major repository of Sandburg’s papers. Smaller collections of Sandburg papers exist at Connemara, the Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site, now a national park, in Flat Rock, N.C. Other important Sandburg manuscript collections are housed at the University of Virginia and Knox College in Galesburg, Ill. Other major published works by Sandburg include Abe Lincoln Grows Up (1928); Harvest Poems (1960); Lincoln Collector: The Story of Oliver R. Barrett’s Great Private Collection, with Oliver R. Barrett (1949); Mary Lincoln: Wife and Widow, with Paul Angle (1932); The Sandburg Range (1957); and Steichen the Photographer (1929). Sandburg’s daughters and granddaughter produced helpful editions of his work, as well as memoirs. See Margaret Sandburg, ed., Breathing Tokens (1978), for previously unpublished poems, and The Poet and the Dream Girl: The Love Letters of Lilian Steichen and Carl Sandburg (1987); Helga Sandburg, A Great and Glorious Romance (1978), Sweet Music: A Book of Family Reminiscence and Song, with a preface by Carl Sandburg (1963), and ” . . . Where Love Begins” (1989); and Paula Steichen, My Connemara (1969), and “Hyacinths and Biscuits,” in Carl Sandburg Home Handbook 117 (1982). Two important editions of Sandburg’s letters are Carl Sandburg, Philip Green Wright and the Asgard Press, comp. Joan St. C. Crane (1975), and The Letters of Carl Sandburg, ed. Herbert Mitgang (1968). A comprehensive biography is Penelope Niven, Carl Sandburg: A Biography (1991). Other biographical studies include North Callahan, Carl Sandburg, Lincoln of Our Literature (1970); Richard Crowder, Carl Sandburg (1964); Gregory d’Alessio, Old Troubadour (1987); Karl Detzer, Carl Sandburg: A Study in Personality and Background (1941); Hazel Durnell, The America of Carl Sandburg (1966); and Harry Golden, Carl Sandburg (1961; repr. 1988). For an analysis of Sandburg’s controversial political journalism and poetry, consult Phillip Yanella, The Other Carl Sandburg (1996). Additional unpublished or uncollected Sandburg poems have been gathered in George Hendrick and Willene Hendrick, eds., Carl Sandburg: Billy Sunday and Other Poems (1993) and Carl Sandburg: Selected Poems (1996). For a collection of Sandburg’s film criticism, see Dale and Doug Fetherling, eds., Carl Sandburg at the Movies: A Poet in the Silent Era, 1920-1927 (1985). For Carl Sandburg on Broadway, consult Norman Corwin, The World of Carl Sandburg (1961).
Deleted: Source: http://www.anb.org/articles/16/16-01435.html; American National Biography
Deleted: Sandburg was born in Galesburg, Ill., on Jan. 6, 1878, of a poor Swedish immigrant family. At the age of 13 he quit school to work as a day laborer. He traveled extensively through the West, where he began developing a lifelong devotion to his country and its people. Following Army service during the Spanish-American War, he entered Lombard (now Knox) College in Galesburg. Here he wrote his first poetry.